Kiln Drying
Kiwi Lumber operates high performance Windsor drying kilns across all three sites, with the capacity to kiln dry all of our production. All kilns are heated using wood waste boilers that utilise the saw dust and planer shavings generated on site.
The drying process is computer controlled using the Dryspec® Control System which ensures uniform and efficient drying of our lumber. All Appearance grade lumber is dried in medium temperature kilns in order to reduce the risk of distortion and reduce residual stress levels within the lumber. All lumber is dried to a very accurate specification which ensures that our customer receives a very stable end product with the moisture content within a very narrow range.
All Kiwi Lumber kiln operators hold the relevant NZQA Certificates in Timber Drying. Our kilns and quality control systems are compliant with rigorous auditing systems. Every kiln charge has moisture content readings recorded to ensure the mean and standard deviation of the moisture content is within the required specifications of the end use of the product.