Health and Safety Policy
The purpose of this policy is to ensure active, consultative, commitment to health and safety management on site.
Kiwi Lumber regards the promotion and continuous improvement of health and safety as mutual objectives for everyone who works, visits or has business with Kiwi Lumber.
Our Board of Directors and Senior Leadership Team will ensure that Kiwi Lumber has the appropriate resources and skills to develop and maintain a health and safety management system. Workers have an obligation to look out for their own health and safety and that of others, and to comply with reasonable health and safety instructions, policies and procedures of Kiwi Lumber.
- Our aim is to exceed the obligations set within the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 various regulations, approved codes of practice and any relevant standards or guidelines.
- To continuously review our risk management process to ensure we are eliminating risks to health and safety as far as is reasonably practicable. If we are unable to eliminate, we will minimise using the hierarchy of control.
- Ensure that all workers are aware of our risk management processes and identified hazards.
- Kiwi Lumber recognizes and supports the workers right to cease work if they believe there is a serious risk to health and safety.
- Actively encourage workers to report all accident and injuries so that an investigation can be completed and contributing factors identified and corrective action plan implemented, the includes the early reporting of pain or discomfort.
- We will provide a safe work environment for workers returning from injury.
- We will set and review annual health and safety objectives for all Kiwi Lumber workers.
- We will ensure that we will have an active worker participation and engagement process in place.
- We will also ensure our workplaces are safe for all other persons.